Whether you want to design and build a new landscape or maintain an existing one, hire a landscape contractor in Sonoma County to manage your project. An experienced landscape contractor is worth their weight in gold. They have amassed a wealth of specialized knowledge and have spent years studying different landscaping methods and principles.
They are Licensed, Bonded, and Insured
California requires landscape contractors to hold a C-27 specialty contractor’s license to provide construction services. Their license can (and should) be checked with the California State Licensing Board (CSLB) for verification and any action taken against the holder. You should be comfortable asking about their license status and always ask for a certificate of insurance.
They Are Great at What They Do, But Projects Take Time
When many homeowners hire a landscape contractor, they have unrealistic expectations. Remember, your landscape contractor does not have a magic wand and cannot work miracles. Lawn problems you are encountering today did not occur overnight and have existed for a long time. Your landscape contractor needs time to address them.
If you want to build a pergola, but your patio is too small to accommodate it, there is little your contractor can do about it. Similarly, you cannot expect the professional to grow plants that are not adapted to the local environment. Keep your plans realistic and flexible. Do not sweat the small stuff and be prepared to sacrifice smaller features to achieve the most critical objectives.

They Provide More Services Than Homeowners Realize
Many homeowners think that landscape contractors only help their customers build their landscapes. In reality, landscape contractors offer a wide range of services. Your landscape contractor can carry out all tasks related to designing, building, and maintaining your landscape. Here are some of the several tasks that a landscape contractor can perform:
Lawn care and mowing
Landscape lighting design and installation
Fall and winter cleanup
Lawn irrigation system installation, maintenance, and repair
Hardscape installation (patios, decks, arbors, water features, walkways and more)
Even if your landscape contractor does not offer the service you need, they might know and can sub-contract to someone who does. It is, therefore, a good idea to consult the professional before you start looking for a company that can perform a task your contractor can’t.

Landscapes Are Not Static; They Evolve
There is more to maintaining your landscape than mowing it and blowing it. The trees and shrubs in your landscape continually grow, sunny areas can become shady over time, and areas that originally needed a lot of watering may now do well with less water. Since your landscape evolves continuously, you cannot install and forget it, and should have your landscape professional inspect and maintain it regularly.

Regulations Can Limit the Scope of Your Project
Your city may have ordinances and regulations that can limit the scope of your project. You, for example, cannot violate boundaries by building a fence or other structure on your neighbor’s land. If you do so, your municipality may impose a penalty on you. Also, if a proposed structure, such as a large water feature or shed, affects nearby properties, your municipality may not permit you to build it. Many features and amenities do not require a building permit while others do. Your landscape contractor will know this. Gardenworks is a distinguished landscape contractor in Sonoma County. Our landscape experts have hands-on experience installing and maintaining landscapes. Their specialized knowledge enables us to bring our customers’ vision to life. To talk to one of them, call (707) 857-2050.