Mowing high weeds will lessen transpiration and still provide cover to slow down evaporation it will also reduce the amount of seeds produced
Aerate lawns for better infiltration of water and fertilizer. In heavy soils or poor performing turf, apply sand or compost into the holes left by the aeration process
Renovate lawns if drought emergency cancelled
Broadleaf weed control in lawns (air temps between 65-85 degrees F) - less competition for water will help your lawn’s vitality
Crabgrass pre-emergent application
Pick up and remove spent Camellia Blossoms and blemished (brown) blooms on plant
Cut back frost damage on plants (after danger of frost has passed)
Cut back tender perennials (Lantana, Mexican Sage) after danger of frost has passed
Inspect plants for Aphids and other early Spring pests and treat as needed - instead of using water to hose them off try using a small paint or parts brush. Use pesticides as a last resort
Fertilize Citrus w/citrus food (after danger of frost has passed) - edibles should be looked at as being valuable and given water to survive
Plant summer blooming bulbs (Begonias, Lilies, Dahlias, Gladiolas)
Plant summer annuals and vegetables - again edibles should be looked at as valuable and given enough water to grow but no more.
Eliminate standing water where Mosquitoes breed - use it to water orchard trees or woody ornamentals
Look to your local water provider for updates to irrigation options (if any) such as day restrictions and time of day restrictions
Undertake any "hard" or rejuvenation based pruning – keep in mind it is always better to make thinning cuts instead of heading cuts
When pruning look for dead branches, diseased branches and criss-crossing ones to cut first
Release beneficial insects for pest control
Apply deer repellant in deer prone areas
Begin control of Bermudagrass, Crabgrass and other noxious weeds
Hand weed in and around plants - this reduces competition for water
Begin training vines
Prune Spring flowering shrubs and bulbs after bloom
Perform a soil test and analysis to obtain a baseline of horticultural conditions
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