Irrigation system startup and inspection
Review local drought based watering restrictions – if any
Service lawn and garden equipment
Sharpen blades and tools
Broadleaf weed control in lawns (air temps between 65-85 degrees F)
Cut back all deciduous ornamental grasses
Clean/rake out evergreen ornamental grasses incl. spent flower stems
Pick up and remove spent Camellia Blossoms on ground and any blemished (brown) blooms on plant
Dead head (cut off spent flowers) winter flowering bulbs and plants as needed
Fertilize Roses
Final spraying of peaches, nectarines (before blooms open) for peach leaf curl
Select and order summer blooming bulbs (Begonias, Lilies, Dahlias, Gladiolas)
Eliminate standing water where Mosquitos breed
Finish pruning roses, fruit trees and other deciduous trees including Crepe Myrtles.
Disinfect pruning tools between plants to reduce risk of spreading disease
Pick up any remaining fallen leaves, fruit, flowers
Purchase and install late winter/early spring annuals such as Cyclamen, Primrose, Iceland Poppies
Spread and rake in wildflower seeds. Cover with light layer of well-aged compost and water in if no rain expected
Remove weeds while they are small
Continue to apply Cloud Cover and or other frost protection measures
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