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June Gardening Tips

  1. Fertilize Annuals and Perennials for early summer. Feather meal is an organic source that is high in nitrogen. Water in well after application.

  2. Clean up fallen citrus fruit and debris to prevent pests. Fertilize with a product specific for citrus. Water in well after application.

  3. Replenish mulch to a minimum of 3” thick – this is the state standard as adopted into the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO)

  4. Cultivate the surface of mulch to prevent crusting and to allow water to percolate

  5. Adjust lawn mower blade height for late-spring to summer months. Keep blades sharp to avoid “tearing” leaf blades. Raise mower cutting height to 3” at this time

  6. Program irrigation controllers for July (our hottest month) and reduce by 20% for June

  7. Control aphids, scale and mealy bugs using integrated pest management techniques. Treat small populations with low impact products such as Safer Soap. Be sure to treat very early in the morning when the temperatures are lowest

  8. Water container plants whenever soil has dried 1 inch below the surface

  9. Remove spent flowers to encourage more blooms

  10. Harvest Lavender blooms when the flowers are about 80% – 100% open. This is when they will carry the most oil. Prune flowers off as soon as blooms turn grey to encourage a potential second bloom in Sept/October

  11. Early summer is time to apply an organic granular rose and flower fertilizer

  12. Complete pruning of spring flowering shrubs.

  13. Plant summer edibles and summer annual flowers.

  14. Watch for fruit to begin to ripen. Thin fruit to amount desired – extra fruit will only go to waste

  15. Control weeds to help reduce drought stress on ornamental plants

  16. Consult our Drought Resources page for water conserving tips

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